الأحد، 29 يوليو 2012

Useful guide in the management of orders index vb3 and control their options

Here you will remind all orders to the control panel of the third generation vb3 and the 93 Q & A I hope the benefit for all
In the name of God we begin:
Questions and answers=========
1 - How do I close the Forum on visitors and members in order to upgrade + to write a letter explaining why closing?vBulletin OptionsTurn Your vBulletin On and OffForum ActiveSelect No - No to close the ForumReason For Turning Forum Off - why I write here to close Forum

2 - Can I change my Forum name + link Forum + Site name?vBulletin OptionsSite Name / URL / Contact DetailsForum Name (write name here Forum)Forum URL (write here the title Forum)Homepage Name (write name of site here)Homepage URL (write here the URL link)

3 - How do messaging system management forum rather the appearance of my email and I want to also add comments on this service?vBulletin OptionsSite Name / URL / Contact DetailsContact Us LinkDelete this box in your e-mail put this sentence sendmessage.phpContact Us OptionsI write in this box options you would like to show in this property, for example, a complaint and suggestion Bosfielha PlaceWebmaster's EmailI write here your Director-General, who will reach him e-mails

4 - Can I add the words at the end of the Footer without having to modify the template?vBulletin OptionsSite Name / URL / Contact DetailsCopyright TextIn this box write the words you want to show at the end of footer

5 - List of Navigation between the pages do not work I have .. How to do it and what is the appropriate number?vBulletin OptionsGeneral SettingsUse Forum Jump MenuPoint to this option with Yes - YesNumber of Pages Visible in Page NavigatorPut this box number 3Click here to view illustration

6 - icons instant messaging (send an email - ICQ-AIM - Yahoo - MSN) does not show what work?vBulletin OptionsGeneral SettingsShow Instant Messaging Program IconsPoint to this option with Yes - Yes

7 - I have an ordinary member, but I do not want to give him the powers he was able to control access to the special observers .. Can I give this user access to the observers, without giving him the rank of an observer?vBulletin OptionsGeneral SettingsEnable Access MasksPoint to this option with Yes - YesUsersSearch for UsersIn the category name or NamesWrite name of member you want to give this propertyFindThen will move to a file is identified in the Control Panel the Director-GeneralQuick User LinksSelect from the dropdown menu Edit Forum Permissions (Access Masks)Go or GoWhich point the Council would like to enter this user on the grounds that it is forbidden and prohibited access to this Council, but you will allow this user to only access this area without the rest of the members, without also convert it to another group and be a reference to Yes - YesSave
8 - I am having one big problem when you enter a particular word is passing the wrong 5 times then can not access the forum Is there a particular option to invalidate this property?vBulletin OptionsGeneral SettingsUse Login "Strikes" SystemPoint for this option to No - No
9 - Can I change the timing of the last post on the home page?vBulletin OptionsDate and Time OptionsDatestamp Display OptionFrom the drop-down list if you choose to: -Normal: Last Post will detail the date, hour (05-12-2004 12:53 AM)Yesterday / Today: Posts will be a modern Mcharh per day or yesterday (Today 12:53 AM)Detailed: Last Post will be a specific time and day (before 50 minutes) (by the week) (month ago)
10 - Can I put my country approved the timing of the forum?vBulletin OptionsDate and Time OptionsDefault Time Zone OffsetSelect from the drop-down list Time assigned to your country

11 - I have a problem when the time appointed for the adoption of State was yesterday Time is compatible with the states of change, but today what is the solution?vBulletin OptionsDate and Time OptionsEnable Daylight SavingsPoint for this option to No - NoForum does not even examine the automatic timing depends only on the timing set by the control panel

12 - Where can you increase your cookies?vBulletin Options****** S and HTTP Header OptionsTime-Out for ******This box can increase the number of cookies the default number will be 900

13 - threads and attachments in my Forum do not talk about image and not more than Number of Views Thread What to do?vBulletin OptionsServer Settings and Optimization OptionsUpdate Thread Views ImmediatelyPoint to this option with Yes - YesUpdate Attachment Views ImmediatelyPoint to this option with Yes - Yes

14 - Can I use the zoom feature large images with the knowledge I have property available in the GD library server?vBulletin OptionsServer Settings and Optimization OptionsAllow Image Size Checking FailurePoint to this option with Yes - YesGD VersionFrom the drop-down menu Select the version of this library copySavevBulletin OptionsMessage Attachment OptionsView Attached Images InlineEnable ThumbnailsPoint to this option with Yes - YesThumbnail SizeIn this box type the number you want to specify the length and height of the image after minimizedThumbnails Per RowI write in this box the maximum determined by the user to insert a ThumbnailGenerate PNG ThumbnailsPoint to this option with Yes - Yes

15 - Can I select the Style + the default language of the Forum?vBulletin OptionsStyle & Language SettingsDefault LanguageFrom this menu select the default language of the ForumDefault StyleFrom this menu select Default Style Forum

16 - How do I prevent users from allowing to choose the Style and forced them to browse only specific Bastyl?vBulletin OptionsStyle & Language SettingsAllow Users To Change StylesPoint for this option to No - No
17 - I have one big problem lists used in the Java versions, such as three o'clock management options and the presentation of threads caused major problems in the forum because some members have complained of this property Can I delete a property from JavaScript Forum and browsing options such as ordinary, which was used in the beta version?vBulletin OptionsStyle & Language SettingsUse 'vBMenu' DHTML Popup Menus?Point for this option to No) NO (18 - When you upgrade your forum to the second version of the third version I noticed that the show became Threads Can I change the view and watch the lengthwise threads?vBulletin OptionsStyle & Language SettingsUse Legacy (Vertical) Postbit TemplatePoint to this option with Yes - Yes
19 - Can I provide property correspondent members in each other e-mail?vBulletin OptionsEmail OptionsAllow Users to Email Other MembersPoint to this option with Yes - Yes

20 - How Close Registration in a forum?vBulletin OptionsUser Registration OptionsAllow New User RegistrationsPoint for this option to No - No

21 - I want to activate the system so that if minors affiliated with the pressure recording shows him at the outset determine his age .. How do in?vBulletin OptionsUser Registration OptionsUse COPPA Registration SystemFrom the dropdown menuEnable COPPA Registration System

22 - Can I control and monitor the associate activation and the new management of the Forum rather than by activation email?vBulletin OptionsUser Registration OptionsModerate New MembersPoint to this option with Yes - Yes

23 - When you record a new member of the Forum Registration Image show him .. How do I remove this feature?vBulletin OptionsUser Registration OptionsImage VerificationPoint for this option to No - No

24 - Can I send an e-mail as a message when welcoming a new member affiliation? VBulletinOptionsUser Registration OptionsSend Welcome EmailPoint to this option with Yes - Yes25 - I want to know the members who belonged to the Forum, for example sending an e-mail tell me the name of the member and the mail .. Can I do this?vBulletin OptionsUser Registration OptionsEmail Address to Notify About New MembersYour e-mail in the box that you want to reach a reporting

26 - I want to activate the property registration and completion of the registration by activation of the e-mail?vBulletin OptionsUser Registration OptionsVerify Email address in RegistrationPoint to this option with Yes - Yes

27 - help me .. Members Eptspon to the Forum the number of names of characters is too long .. Can I reduce the number of letters?vBulletin OptionsUser Registration OptionsMinimum Username LengthBoundary between the minimum number of characters that the recorded names, for example if you put No. 2 will be able to register the name of the enrollee uae because they contained 3 characters, while the minimum Hrfan only.Maximum Username LengthThe maximum number of characters.

28 - Is there a way to reserve certain names that do not want to take that one associate members?vBulletin OptionsUser Registration OptionsIllegal User NamesIncluded in this box the names that you want to keep it from the Registration

29 - How do property Allowastat (median)?vBulletin OptionsUser Registration OptionsUser ReferrerPoint to this option with Yes - Yes

30 - Can I identify some of the default options for the new member?vBulletin OptionsUser Registration OptionsDefault Registration OptionsOf the options below point to the options you would like to show by default, once the affiliation31 - Where can I limit the number of characters allowed a maximum capacity to write new Member?vBulletin OptionsUser Profile OptionsUser Title Maximum CharactersIn this box write the number you want to be the maximum number of characters recipe Members
32 - signatures do not appear in the forum what to do?vBulletin OptionsUser Profile OptionsAllow SignaturesPoint to this option with Yes - YesMaximum Length of SignaturePut this box the number you want to be the maximum number of characters using it in the signatureAllow vB Code in Signatures (allowing the use of codes forums in signature)?Allow Smilies in Signatures (allowing the use of smilies in signature)?Allow [IMG] Code in Signatures (to allow external images using the links in the signature)?Allow HTML in Signatures (allowing the use of HTML code in the signature)?

33 - I want to prevent all members of the Prohibition Director of the Forum and Moderators?vBulletin OptionsUser Profile OptionsAllow Users to 'Ignore' ModeratorsPoint for this option to No - No
34 - How do I adjust settings, avatars and personal in a forum?vBulletin OptionsUser Picture OptionsAvatars EnabledPoint to this option with Yes - Yes to allow the property to activate AvatarsAvatar Display WidthThe number of avatars that you want to show per lineAvatars Per-PageTotal pictures in the page is the one before moving on to the rest of the pictures to the next pageProfile Pictures EnabledActivate the image file identification

35 - in the third version I liked the property assessment of the reputation of members, but lost my way a lot to adjust their settings?vBulletin OptionsUser Reputation OptionsPoint to this option with Yes - Yes to activate property to allow assessment of the reputation of MembersAllow Users to Hide Their ReputationPoint to this option to No - No display to allow those who have Btakiimam in Control Panel Members of their own.Default ReputationThe default number of points that appear to the member even if not rated by any member.Number of Reputation Ratings to DisplayNumber of evaluations that will be displayed in the User Control Panel if you put the number 10 will display the 10 people who have evaluated the remaining two will be the preferred status unknown number greater than 100Administrator's Reputation PowerThe number of points that you will love the Director-General as soon as the pressure assessment and if you put a No. 50 single-member who will assess the Director will give the Director 100 words Rating per point = 100 points for the Director-GeneralRegister Date FactorWrite the appropriate number here that will calculate the period x day Forum will give him one point byPost Count FactorWrite here the appropriate number of posts so if you write No. 300 upon reaching any Member 300 Forum post would give him one pointReputation Point FactorWrite the appropriate number here so that if the User exceeds x point of the assessment would give him one point in ForumMinimum Post CountMinimum posts to allow him to use the property ratingMinimum Reputation CountThe minimum number of evaluation points to allow him to use the property ratingDaily Reputation Clicks LimitNumber of members allowed assessment within 24 hours

36 - Is it possible to explain the feature the option of the Member List?vBulletin OptionsUser Listing & Profile ViewingMembers List EnabledPoint to this option with Yes - Yes to activate the menu system MemberMinimum PostsI write in this box the number of posts allowed to enter the list of MembersMember List Field OptionsOptions boxes list members that you want to display themMembers Per PageNumber of Members on a page before moving on to the next pageAllow Advanced search esPoint to this option with Yes - Yes to allow the use of advanced search in the list of MembersShow Last Post on Profile PagePoint to this option with Yes - Yes to show Title Last Post in the User ID file

37 - Can I specify special codes appear in the forums?vBulletin OptionsBB Code SettingsEnabled Built-in BB CodesBalocuad point that you want to allow them in the forums38 - I use the third version, but the quick reply box does not appear in the forums for what?vBulletin OptionsMessage Posting and Editing OptionsQuick Reply EnabledThe first option: Abolition of property of a rapid reactionThe second option: activate rapid response in a post without showing the toolboxThe third option: activating the rapid response in a post with the record show AlsndqThe fourth option: activating the rapid response in posts to show with professional fund

39 - I use the rapid response but I can not respond in a rapid reaction, but after clicking on the icon to run it .. How do I make a rapid reaction is open.vBulletin OptionsMessage Posting and Editing OptionsRequire Click for Quick ReplyPoint to this option to No - No

40 - I hope help me I'm having a big problem in the forums and my problem is that the member write a short word even more points .. Can I increase the number of characters Allowed before the adoption of the text?vBulletin OptionsMessage Posting and Editing OptionsMinimum Characters Per PostIf you put in this box 50 as a member of any subject or write a response includes the number of text characters 49 characters will not be able to include the topic or to participate so you must exceed about 50 characters so that the adoption of the text and if you want to override this property Put the number 1

41 - I saw in some forums a great feature when you add a theme, for example, the title of this writing so and so when you add Reply to this topic appears to respond to Post subject: the subject of writing so and so .. In other words, your thread title automatically appears in the name of the original subject?vBulletin OptionsMessage Posting and Editing OptionsAutomatically Quote Post / Thread TitlePoint to this option with Yes - Yes

42 - Can I determine the number of letters in the subject a maximum of any member and can not include the topic after bypass this issue?vBulletin OptionsMessage Posting and Editing OptionsMaximum Characters Per PostPlace the appropriate number in this box to be the maximum number of characters for the message

43 - I have a problem and that the member is put in the subject 100, causing a smile whi browsing Can I reduce the number of smilies in posts and signature?vBulletin OptionsMessage Posting and Editing OptionsMaximum Images Per Post / SignaturePlace the appropriate number in the box to the number of smilies and images allowed in signature or posts

44 - Can I add a property merge links with pictures?vBulletin OptionsMessage Posting and Editing OptionsAllow Dynamic URL for [IMG] TagsPoint to this option with Yes - Yes

45 - I have a member of annoying posts in large raises in the dying seconds. What do the direction of this user spam?vBulletin OptionsMessage Posting and Editing OptionsIn the box type the number corresponding to the appropriate number refers to seconds if you put this number 30, the Forum reads this figure to 30 seconds.

46 - Can I specify a certain time to prevent the user from editing the theme after the allotted time?vBulletin OptionsMessage Posting and Editing OptionsTime Limit on Editing of Thread TitlePlace the appropriate number in this box so that the figure refers to minute

47 - Can I specify a certain time to prevent the user to edit user's posts?vBulletin OptionsMessage Posting and Editing OptionsTime Limit on Editing of PostsIn this box place the appropriate number for the time you want to prevent any member from modifying user's posts - the number 1440 is a full day of any sense that the user can not modify the user's posts after a day of inclusion, but the Director-General and the observers can edit your posts at any time even after the specified period.

48 - Can I put a certain period to show the words (Modified to this topic before: So as of today)vBulletin OptionsMessage Posting and Editing OptionsTime to Wait Before Starting to Display 'Edited by ...'Write the number in the box adjacent to the desired figure refers to minute49 - having a big problem and I hope to help my problem and that the numbers include the IP addresses Convertible to everyone what I do?vBulletin OptionsMessage Posting and Editing OptionsLog IP AddressesOption One: Do not show IP Address never for members and observers and officialsThe second option: Show IP Address of the Director General or observersThe third option: IP Address displayed and open to the general members
50 - Can I control boxes forum?vBulletin OptionsMessage Posting Interface OptionsEnable Clickable Message Formatting ControlsDisable Controls - without any fundEnable Standard Controls - Fund only standardEnable Standard & WYSIWYG Controls - provide the opportunity to choose the fund Standard and Advanced

51 - my dear brother I used the fund advanced in the forums and smiles appear by default in the Fund also developed and smiles appear on the right of the check writing topic Is there a way to remove one of them?vBulletin OptionsMessage Posting Interface OptionsShow Smiliebox to WYSIWYG Users?Point to this option to No - No Smiles to show to the fund onlyWYSIWYG Smilie Menu Total SmiliesWrite here the number you want to show all smiles at the maximum pressure on this picture

52 - How do I manage smilies in a total fund benchmark Standard Controls?vBulletin OptionsMessage Posting Interface OptionsSmiliebox Total SmiliesI write in this box the total smilies in this Fund's overallSmiliebox Smilies Per RowThe number of columns of smilies

53 - my dear brother in the funds available have a total of a few and simple colors Can I add additional colors for users? VBulletin OptionsMessage Posting Interface OptionsShow Windows System Color Picker to WYSIWYG Users?Point to this option with Yes - YesClick here to view the result here and the final result

54 - I have a problem in terms of a maximum attachment to add attachments in posts 5 files attached .. Is there a way to add the number of attachments included in the participating Vqz?vBulletin OptionsMessage Attachment OptionsAttachments Per PostWrite the number 0 to leave the door open or write the number 10

55 - How can I increase the number of boxes in view attachments with each post?vBulletin OptionsMessage Attachment OptionsAttachment InputsSelect from the drop-down list the number you want it if you choose number 5 you'll see this result only Click here to view.

56 - How do I prevent user from deleting its annexes in the posts?vBulletinOptionsMessage Attachment OptionsAllow Deletion of Attachments Beyond Edit Time LimitPoint to this option to No - NoAllow Deletion of Attachments in Closed ThreadsPoint to this option to No - No

57 - How do I view attachments in posts?vBulletinOptionsMessage Attachment OptionsView Attached Images InlinePoint to this option with Yes - Yes

58 - How can I increase the number of poll options?vBulletinOptionsPoll and Thread Rating OptionsMaximum Poll OptionsIn the box adjacent Put the number you want it

59 - Can I update the questionnaire automatically?vBulletinOptionsPoll and Thread Rating OptionsUpdate Thread Last Post on Poll VotePoint to this option with Yes - Yes60 - I have a big problem and caused great embarrassment to me is a vote for threads and the stars of the assessment does not show what work?vBulletinOptionsPoll and Thread Rating OptionsRequired Thread Rating Votes to Show RatingIn this box adjacent Put the number 1The next step counters Update Forum
61 - How do I prevent members from changing their votes in the questionnaire?vBulletin OptionsPoll and Thread Rating OptionsAllow Thread Rating Vote ChangesPoint to this option to No - No

62 - Can I cancel the search system?vBulletinOptionsMessage search ing OptionsSearch Engine EnabledPoint to this option to No - No

63 - How do I set a certain time period between the research and the other member or visitor?vBulletin OptionsMessage search ing OptionsMinimum Time Between Research esNeighbors in the box type the number in order to be a time line between the search result and the other, or place the number 0 to leave the door open without a certain period

64 - Can I specify the minimum number of characters in the search process was included so that if the member or visitor characters less than the allowable limit show him the message that the number of Ahrvh short and he must put words longer and perform the same meaning?vBulletinOptionsMessage search ing OptionsSearch Index Minimum Word LengthI write in the box adjacent the appropriate number to have a minimum number of characters

65 - Can I display subsections on the home page?vBulletinOptionsForum Listings Display OptionsDepth of Sub-ForumsPut this box the number of Sub-Let, for example 50View the results by clicking here

66 - I have a problem and the lies that I have written a description of each section but it does not appear in the Home Why?vBulletinOptionsForum Listings Display OptionsShow Forum Descriptions in Forum ListingsPoint to this option with Yes - Yes

67 - How do I show icon suggest that the sections locked for posts on the home page for visitors? VBulletinOptionsForum Listings Display OptionsShow Lock Icons to UsersPoint to this option with Yes - Yes

68 - Can I determine the number of letters to addresses topics on the home page to appear on the home page?vBulletinOptionsForum Listings Display OptionsLast Thread Title Maximum Displayed CharactersPut this box the appropriate number to determine the number of characters subject to the appearance in the last post on the home page and preferably between 30 to 40

69 - What is the way to display the list of observers on the home page?vBulletin OptionsForum Listings Display OptionsShow Moderator ColumnPoint to this option with Yes - Yes

70 - Number of Members Online in the section does not show what I have done?vBulletinOptions

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