Police arrest another element involved with piracy operations Anonymous
The applicantwas arrestedafterhis relationship with thegroupAnonymousto launchan attack on theinstitutionsto preventthesending moneytoand Ikilex Peter David Gibson He was arrestedhe andfiveother elementsof thepartyMhakiqiBritish policeto launch adenial of serviceattackandharm the interests ofa group of companies, whilepolice saidthearrestwas made after Whatwasthe work ofGibbsandhis computerisa legalactin orderthat anyobstructedthe work ofany computerorprevent orhinder access toany programObaanatexistin a computerordetract from theoperation of anysuch programorthe reliability ofthis datais considereda criminal offenseshall bepunishedbyAlihohmaMainsOffences Act1977
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