He saidthe search engine"Google"search commandsfeatureVoiceMaps"Google" using thebrowser "Chrome".
Theuser cannowsendordersafter pressing themicrophonesignalthat appearsin the search fieldmaps"Google".
Duringdirectvoice commands, a barshows theaccuracyand effectiveness ofthe responseto this Orders.Anddetermine the directioncan be orderedfrom one placeto another,so that thebrowserrecognizesthestarting locationand the location ofthe endautomatically.
She explained, "Google"that this featurewill make it easierfor users tofindwhothey are looking forwithoutthe trouble ofspellingitright, especiallywhen searching forsites notIksduhabefore.
Thelimitedavailability ofservice in thecurrent time on theEnglish language, it is alsolimitedinitially inthe United States.
It is worthmentioning that thevoicesearch featureis availableviathe search enginegoogle.com,or usingmobile phonesthat supportsystem"Android", or evento apply the"Google"phonesfor the"iPhone
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