Google adds a feature in the application of reshare Google + Android phones
One of the thingsyou searched forin the application of+ GoogleonAndroidphonesinitiallyhadthe option ofre-Postreshare,todayGooglelaunchedthis featurethrough thenew updateof the application. AndI was notalone in This ismy request, because thefeatureresharethefeaturesmost requestedamong users ofsocial networkingthrough mobilesmartphoneoperatingsystemAndroid.
Ben EidelsonDirectorAftaasmartphonesin+ Googlesaid:"updateapplication+ GoogleonAndroidphonesincludes themost requestedfeatureamong users ofsocial networkonallsmart phones."
Andto use thenew feature, allthe useris to clickon the subjectto bere-share, and thenclick on thethree pointsonthe top rightto get theoperations thatcan be doneon the subject,and then selectingthe option toshare, allowingthe participation ofthe topic in ayear orwithcirclescirclesselected.
And, of course, thefeature will not belimitedonlyfor mobilesystemAndroid.
"Users ofNetwork+ GoogleiOSthrough the systemandacrossWeb applicationsdo not worry,re-postresharefeaturecoming soonto youtoo." It also containsthe new updateon the ability tocreatenew constituencies
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