الأحد، 29 يوليو 2012

Google adds a feature in the application of reshare Google + Android phones


One of the things you searched for in the application of + Google on Android phones initially had the option of re-Post reshare, today Google launched this feature through the new update of the application.
And I was not alone in
This is my request, because the feature reshare the features most requested among users of social networking through mobile smartphone operating system Android.

Ben Eidelson Director Aftaa smartphones in + Google said: "update application + Google on Android phones includes the most requested feature among users of social network on all smart phones."

And to use the new feature, all the user is to click on the subject to be re-share, and then click on the three points on the top right to get the operations that can be done on the subject, and then selecting the option to share, allowing the participation of the topic in a year or with circles circles selected.

And, of course, the feature will not be limited only for mobile system Android.

"Users of Network + Google iOS through the system and across Web applications do not worry, re-post reshare feature coming soon to you too."
It also contains the new update on the ability to create new constituencies

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