الأحد، 29 يوليو 2012

Top boost the use of words on your site

Here's this issue about the use of words to ward off the top of the profit from Adsense, and the subject of my book Moved: (Zoro in Mathematics profit from Adsense),,
And I hope to double your profit Avidkm from Adsense by targetingTop ads push,
When you get a list of the top words to ward off, you'll certainly want to use to double your winnings,,, but the use of higher boost is divided into two parts:
1 - use of words in the top boost your current position:
If you want to use the words TopPrice in your current location, you must being developed to work with these words, and attractsTop push ads to you,,
If you want to use the words TopBoost in your current position,, do the following things to get the highest advertisingImpetus in AdSense:

* Do the higher-priced employ words in the content of your site, and use as much as you can, butWithout exaggeration, and insert these words in the titles of your articles, and in the description of your site .., and mustThat this will be the words you choose to employ them related to the content of your site, for example:
If your site is about games, it may be used words such as: X box, play free, gaming computer ....So that these words are the words of the highest momentum.

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