الأحد، 29 يوليو 2012

How do I raise my earnings in Google AdSense without cheating

Initial conditions:

Site visits with a good or even acceptable
Toy renewed at least once every two days
Site free of fraud and pages of Adsense Forex
Start now and influenced by factors that increase or reduce the price and number of clicks:First, places ads, not throw logic right Acod Google Adsense and north in the pages of the site, we will talk about us first places advertisementsWhat is the reason ill place the ad?

In fact, several factors First you put in place, and like you say to a visitor to this announcement does not press it and do not consider him mainly or careful before you declare
Second Open Alsors what the lines preceding the Adsense code "code tables and code, or Dave's" Is there no keywords!! If you do not wait for ads to appear with a price, but what are the ads will show everything Basant

1 - If the first place important factors announcement and what surrounds itNow we talk about how the selection of places, including advertisements that the first factorLet confident you are the owner and director of my site is better than selecting the place for you the most familiar siteLet's give examples of revolution Photoshop and network links advertisements for places to which we assign the correct andExample of the AdSense code to my website, "Please do not click on ads at all": Vector Foliage-Plants Photoshop BrushesSee what that precedes the AdSense code and see what the next there are words and vocabulary help the emergence of powerful ads with excellent priceAnother example of site links, "Please do not click on ads at all:" Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game | Games and LinksNote the ads Google comes after the name of the game and also to see the menu on the left, note the above and below the Google Adsense code2 - Now we come to the worker and the second is very important background colors of links and advertisementsNotice in the examples to put them above the observed colors of links Google ads the same color on the page links and advertisements exactly the same background for the background designWorkers to Tkelmenha them until now many of us Aaaraa, but unfortunately first factor everyone knows and is ignorant to take advantage of it and is a place advertisements after changing places and lines of ads in the network connections have doubled profits 400% and this rate of very large and so is the situation in the network revolution Photoshop do not ignore these factorsThings you should know before we complete our conversation:Statistics and realistic:- On AdSense image ads to profit much less than text links- Adsense code repeat more than once or twice on the same page reduces the rate pressure- Google Adsense as possible to reduce the pressure or raise the price for the same announcement by the visitor and Ad placement and compatibility with the page "on the price pressure not exceed the price set by the advertiser,"
Now we come to the third factor3 - ad size in the PageReally touched by my experiences higher the Declaration On AdSense increased the number of clicks and the reason it gives the probability of the largest to see a visitor, but, provided that the ads on the right and left of the page, but to be in the middle of the page and close to the content ", but far from the image is acceptable, otherwise contravened the laws "and square sizes proved their effectiveness in Adsense on this AnakshAnd especially the Large Rectangle advise using it Important note: Toy site inert non-renewable does not apply to him than anything said because this reduces the proportion of your visitors and reduces your visibility in search engine (and search engines what income??)The fourth factor returning visitors and new visitors4 - returning visitors and new visitors and visitors to search engines, especially GoogleFactor is very important! After my follow up for adsense and the way the algorithm to show ads based on the factors that set it was observed that the place he came from Visitor change the ads that appear at no less than 85% observed with me the next important visitor for you and your Adsense from the top value to least value let us first Shi facilitate explanation Bodg these default values

New visitors = 5 points
Visitor was converted from the search engines = 5 points
Guests were transferred from other sites = 3 points
Guests visit you once a day = two points
Visits by visiting this page or visit the point =
* (This is just a virtual set for the explanation of these figures do not indicate anything beyond explanation)Look at the following equations to calculate and

Visiting New + was converted from the search engines = 10 points
New visitor came to your site directly without conversion = 5 points
Guests visited this page more than once today = point
Guest serious + d visitor was converted from other sites = 8 points
The highest number of points = most expensive and most powerful advertising
Conclusion: There are factors and that we have mentioned above affect the price and type of ads that appear to the visitor, with the situation in mind that the Google Adsense treats each page on your site independently I mean, if you are visiting ÓćÇáÝ every day go to Google and look for ÓćÇáÝ in Log in on one of the links that have not visited never before (one of the topics that have not had ÓćÇáÝ because the AdSense code is in the threads only), and to see the ads you will see a 85% AdSense ads is that you see every day in ÓćÇáÝ browsing through and if they were advertising the same price has risen a little bit because, as we agreed in Statistics realism that have been mentioned above
- Google Adsense as possible to reduce the pressure or raise the price for the same announcement by the visitor and Ad placement and compatibility with the pageIf we conclude the following:Two the number of visitors and the same thing, but the site "A" earns 90% of the visitors through other sites and search engines, and site "B" permanent visitors and a few new visitors expected: Site "A" profits from Google Adsense equivalent to three times the Site "B" to say the least5 - Google Analytics goals!!!! AnalyticsWhat's unknown to many that Google AdSense in Google Analytics tied "if any" Some people will say and how do you know, frankly I'm not sure, but after the tests proved to me that they were linked on the whole you the freedom to believe this point or not, for myself I believe her most important stages of my experiences is to see The Google Analytics tied somewhat in experimenting with Adsense you all in Google Analytics only goals!! Goals What are the objectives is a tool through which you can follow a specific section or sections or many strange things that he does not allow you to more than 4 Tstkhaddha only try that on one of the sections of your website and you will see a rise in the profits of your site "depends on the size of your site"With that Google have all your stats once you are a member of Google Analytics, but you Bastahedavk sections one through your goals and if you refer to the importance of these sections "and prefer to use the most visited sections on your site" and specializes in tool Goals in Google Analytics in the things other and nothing is certain yet, but I ask you my experiences and what you only experience or not experience, but noted that it is not helpful, will not harm you6 - How can I keep the price of clicks and I have confidence in Google Adsense and protect my account from suspensionConsidered factor and is very important in Google AdSense, but it is the most important - first, do not try to add phrases and words meant by the code AdSense P Google are not stupid, and Google has the archive site since the first page archived if we assume a return to Archive Askchwoa absence of such texts from by simply not trying to manipulate this simple example only

Pages at the Forex or MFA pages go and then delete it and then read the complete Come topic that I liked
When your edit anything that you think your site fay impact on your earnings from Adsense either increase or decrease "and especially when your application advice in this topic" Go to this page https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/request. py and then went to the Invalid Clicks or Unusual Account Activity and then select Predicting a significant change in my account activity
In short what I have done you hit Adsense you are expected to rise or drop in your profits, "meaning you you modify the code AdSense or you add the code AdSense or changed in the design of your site's" anything done could affect the profits go and told Adsense noted that they will not answer you unless there is worth it, but this does not mean they Am receive notification and they read it not your application for this conditions Sidkhalk in the list of smart pricing, which I spoke, Google lowers price pressure with the advertiser pays more than this and the reason that your site does not deserve to Yes if your site is not following their policy, it does not deserve to grow and produce profits. Keep in mind that Google and Google Adsense income is Edward I of Google and will not tolerate from infringing on their rights and their investments, whatever the amount, or a simple matter.

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