Moved the subject of my book "Zoro Verriaziat profit from Google Adsense" of the interest.
The Google Adsense program is one of the best programsProfit from the Internet, so be careful not to get lost you the chance to profit, and especially beware of fraud,
Valgch haram as you know,
In any case I wanted to write in this part of theThe book for errors committed by participants in Adsense without the feel, especially the Arabs,Many of the people I know were expelled from Adsense for trivial errors, so I do not want you to be expelled fromGoogle Adsense, because it really does not compensate invaluable opportunity to profit from Google Adsense,
So here are 11 way to avoid expulsion from Google AdSense:
1 - do not click on ads and do not ask others to click on them:
know this very well,,, but I wanted to add that the fastest way to
expel from Adsense, and do not ask your friends or your family members
to put pressure on the ads to you, even if your balance 0, and verify
that the members of your family and your friends do not putting
pressure on the ads thinking that they help you, but they are closing
your account indirectly, and careful use of tools in the illegal access
to keystrokes, Vadsens very cleverBack in the discovery of counterfeit, has Forewarned is forearmed, I really do not want you to miss an opportunityHundreds of dollars a month.
2 - Do not Mess php to ads ever:
The Google AdSense gives you plenty of optionsTo the way your ads to appear, so as not to mess with php to ads never because this is contrary to the laws ofAdsense, and, believe me they know when php to tamper with the ad.
3 - Do not put other advertising programs similar to Google AdSense:
The Google Adsense does not allow the development of programs adSimilar to Google AdSense, but allowed to put links Alafiliet, and some adsAdbright such as text, so careful use of advertising programs on the same page with Google adsThis is contrary to the Adsense Terms Adsense,,
4 - Do not disclose information about your account statistics:
Do not disclose information about your account such as:CTR, CPM,,,,
But you can disclose the total RbanhOnly,,,
5 - Do not put addresses on the ads:
Allows you to put Google Adsense on adsIn your "ads", but not put any other addresses,,,
After all why would you want to tell your visitors that theyAds, they know this in advance, and, in addition, there is the word "Google ads" under theEach ad.
6 - Do not create pages by clicking on the ads automatically:
Some people are creating pages with Google adsAdsense, and when you open this page, the press ads automatically, and this is contrary to the conditionsAdsense, and they will discover it quickly,
7 - does not create more than one account if you have many sites:
The one account is enough if you have more thanA website or blog,,
8 - Place ads on pages with content only:
Some Brothers are developing an indexAds on the registration pages, and pages thanks and welcome,,, This is contrary to the laws of GoogleAdSense, you must place ads on content pages, articles,, n
9 - Do not hide elements of the Declaration:
Some sites put the color and relevance of the ad the sameThe background color to hide the link, and this is contrary to the terms of Adsense you do not hide elementsAds, but you can hide the border around the ads,
10 - then follow up your content:
The Google Adsense does not allow you to place adsIn some types of pages, do not place ads in the pages contain only: Mp3,Video, news groups, photo albums, in addition to the rejected sites in GoogleAdsense: pornographic websites, sites that encourage violence, and which contains materialLegal, you must follow up and ensure that your content does not contain the things contrary to the lawAdsense ..
11 - Do not manipulating Balouselat to press after visiting the declaration:
Some foreign Web sites, it was manipulatedBalouselat in the ads, which, when pressed Visitor on advertising it is converted to PageOther non-advertising site, be aware of the use of these methods use Adsense code FjocalNew technologies to discover, with the Arabs that we do not do a lot of violating the laws,,,
Equation so as not to be expelled from the Google AdSense:
RespectLaws and not violating Adsense = will not be expelled from Google Adsense
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