الاثنين، 30 يوليو 2012

Recover deleted files from your computer by a program Recuva


 Of course, sometimes we inadvertently scans files or we will scan and then we want to restore them again (also deleted from the recycle bin), if they are deleted from the device fully, here comes the role of the program, which is restored, continue subject to the download and details
There are many programs that do the job but the program with us today, who is also a free program and you try it, it restores deleted files from your computer, a program Recuva

1 - download the program from here, run the program, and select File Type


 2 - then choose the location of the file

3 - Select the files you want to restore, then press the Recover


 License: Free | | Size: 2.34 MB | | Download

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